Severson, Darrel Dwaine 4/20/1939 – 2/19/2014 Resident of Palisade, MN Darrel was born and raised in Minneapolis MN. He served in the United States Marine Corps and was a former member of the Ironworkers Local 512. But his real passion spanned 26 years as a decorated Minneapolis Police Officer. He retired in 1994 and spent time in Cody, Wyoming until returning home to Minnesota in 1999. He spent many happy days with his beloved Lavonne Randa as they played and won many cribbage tournaments together in the McGregor, MN area and wintering in Mesa, Arizona. Darrel was preceded in death by his mother, Virginia May Severson (Harper); his father, Roy Severson and his dear brother, Dean K. Severson. Darrel and Dean spent many years serving together on the Minneapolis Police Department. Darrel is survived by his children, Melodie Salzl (Tim), Brett Severson, Greg Severson (Pam) and Virginia Landrus (Doug). His greatest pride was his grandchildren: Griffin and Graham Severson, Jakob and Samantha Salzl and Matt and Ashley Landrus and his great-granddaughter, Christine, daughter of Graham and Elsa Severson. He is also survived by his brother, Dale (Jackie) Severson of San Jose, California. To honor his wishes, a Celebration of Life memorial service is being planned for this spring in Minneapolis, MN.
Representing Mpls Police Officers
Always with the goal of working toward a safer, more livable city, our job is to improve working conditions for our members—police officers who work in Minneapolis—and to make certain their rights are protected.