Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis Calls on City Leaders to Stop Grandstanding on Public Safety

Instead make the investments necessary to protect the residents, business and visitors to Minneapolis

Carl Kuhl

MAY 5, 2016

(MINNEAPOLIS, MN) – Today, Bob Kroll, President of the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis, called on City Leaders to stop grandstanding on public safety and instead make the investments necessary to protect the residents, business and visitors to Minneapolis. “Last night alone, eight people were shot, one fatally and two in critical condition. All of the victims are African-American and all were involved in gang-on-gang violence,” said Kroll. “City leaders and others like Black Lives Matter are quick to step in front of a camera when there is an officer involved shooting but where are those voices now? Their silence is not only deafening, it’s hypocritical,” continued Kroll.

President Kroll reminded city leaders that Minneapolis Police Officers have been working without a new contract for nearly a year and a half. “The police department is short staffed and that not only endangers police officers, that endangers everyone living, working and visiting the city,” explained Kroll. He furthered explained, “shifting officers from one precinct to the next in a desperate attempt to fill gaps is not a solution. The reality is this city needs 150 more officers to provide the level of service the people of Minneapolis expect and deserve. We need elected officials who understand this, who understand public safety and who are committed to doing the right thing. We don’t need more grandstanding.”

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Representing Mpls Police Officers
Always with the goal of working toward a safer, more livable city, our job is to improve working conditions for our members—police officers who work in Minneapolis—and to make certain their rights are protected.

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Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis
P.O. Box 18187
Minneapolis, MN