July 30, 2018 – Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis Statement on Blevins Shooting

Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis statement on Blevins shooting

The Federation maintained from the start that the officer’s actions during this incident were heroic. The body camera footage exemplifies this. The officers did exactly what the public expects them to do. They responded to 911 calls of a person shooting a gun, they located the suspect, gave numerous orders for him to comply, pursued the suspect as he fled, they were forced to fire at the suspect only after he pointed a gun and fired at the officers. The officers deserve the Minneapolis Police Department’s highest award, The Medal of Honor and the respect of the population it swore to protect.

We want to thank the community that stepped up and decided that in their neighborhood, family safety trumps false narratives. Police officers never want to be forced to fire their weapons. Sadly, Mr. Blevins gave them no other option. Blevins was shooting a gun in a residential area; he resisted officers, fled, pointed a gun at them and fired. This is consistent with his criminal history. By the age of 31, Blevins racked up six felony convictions for, among others, fleeing police, assaulting an officer, narcotics possession, and being a felon in possession of a pistol.

To the politicians, both city and state, and those currently running for office that condemned the police officers’ actions prior to any facts or evidence, you have done a disservice to the communities you are supposed to represent. We challenge you to take the time to learn exactly what it takes to be an officer, if not, you should resign from your positions or drop out of races.

Witnesses have stated Blevins was not armed. If the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension obtained sworn statements from witnesses, The Federation requests transparency in reviewing them. Criminal charges should be filed where appropriate. We demand this of our officers. As a community we should demand it of our citizens.

We challenge community activists that are critical of police to place themselves in the officer’s shoes. Tell us what you would have done different or better. We are currently hiring. If you have the courage to make what our officers did this day a part of your job duties, apply and join us. If you don’t, please remain silent and support your police.

Lt. Bob Kroll
President, Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis

Watch the video: https://www.facebook.com/fox9kmsp/videos/10156641203719138/

Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis
P.O. Box 18187
Minneapolis, MN