Joseph Pudlick

Appointed April 23June 8 ,1943
Died February 4, 1972

Man Arrested In Killing of City Policeman
Officer Joseph Pudlick, a veteran of 28 years with the Minneapolis Police Department, was shot and killed Feb. 4, 1972. According to police reports, Officers Pudlick and Richner were dispatched to assist two Hennepin County Deputies who were going to 2540 Quincy St. N.E. to serve a mental commitment warrant on Charles C. Bauer.Officers went to the second floor of the Quincy St. address and identified themselves, but Bauer refused to exit the apartment. Police said he starting shooting when the officers kicked in the door. The officers then ran down the steps when Bauer stepped from the apartment and shot Off. Pudlick in the head as he neared the bottom of the stairway.

Bauer then barricaded himself in the apartment and as officers attempted to reach their fallen brother, Bauer then began firing again. By the time the officers were able to reach Pudlick, he was already dead.

The shooting occurred at 16:30 hours. Within the next hour police sealed off the neighborhood and evacuated the residents. Deputy Chief of Investigations Joseph Rusinko talked to Bauer through the door and told him he was surrounded and “let’s not get anyone else hurt.”

According to Rusinko, Bauer wanted to talk to the person who signed the commitment order, and Rusinko said he thought Bauer was going to give himself up at this time. Bauer refused to surrender at this time and officers then shot tear gas into the apartment.

Rusinko then told Bauer that this was just the beginning. Bauer then surrendered by coming down the back stairs, unarmed and was arrested. Upon searching his apartment, officers found a handgun and rifle in the apartment.

Chief Gordon Johnson said Pudlick’s wife, Arlene, had tried to talk Joe into retiring from the department because of his advancing age. It was a tough job working on rotating shifts and he was getting older, but he would never get out of it.

The Chief said Pudlick had talked of retirement, he was a fine officer with a dry sense of humor.

Pudlick was the 36th Minneapolis police officer killed in the line of duty since the turn of the century. Prior to Off. Pudlick’s death in the line of duty, Off. Richard Berquist was shot and killed by a burglar in 1969.

Services were held at Washburn McReavy Mortuary at 29th and Johnson St. N.E. and a Mass was held at St. Charles Borromeo Church with burial at Gethsemane Cemetery.

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Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis
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