Guest Post – April 12, 2018 Meuser Law Office P.A. “’Tis the Season! Remember, Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Benefits are Non-Taxable”

The clock is ticking! Remember, this year’s tax filing deadline is April 17, 2018. If you’re doing your taxes on your own, you may be wondering if you need to report Minnesota workers’ compensation wage loss, permanent partial disability, or a settlement received in 2017. The answer is NO!

You are not required to pay income taxes on your work comp benefits, regardless of whether you received them on a weekly basis or as a lump sum settlement. Minnesota workers’ compensation benefits are considered to be compensation for a personal injury under the Federal Tax Code and are therefore non-taxable.

Other types of benefits that are payable as a result of a work-related injury may also be non-taxable, including PERA Police and Fire Plan or Corrections Plan Duty Disability Benefits, and MSRS State Patrol Plan and Corrections Plan Duty Disability Benefits.

Meuser Law Office, P.A. is one of the few workers’ compensation law firms in the state of Minnesota that also handles PERA and MSRS disability claims. We’ve successfully represented hundreds of State Patrol, police officers and firefighters throughout the state for both workers’ compensation and PERA/MSRS disability claims. As your attorney, we will explain what rights you have and make recommendations to you in terms of how to best protect your rights to those benefits. The knowledgeable attorneys at Meuser Law Office, P.A. can help make the process easier to navigate. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation by calling 1-877-746-5680.

Representing Mpls Police Officers
Always with the goal of working toward a safer, more livable city, our job is to improve working conditions for our members—police officers who work in Minneapolis—and to make certain their rights are protected.

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Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis
P.O. Box 18187
Minneapolis, MN