George B. Anderson

Appointed January 7, 1901
Died November 28, 1913

November 22, 1913, while attempting to steer a wrecked automobile that
was being towed to the South Side police station behind a patrol wagon,
Patrolman George B. Anderson turned the car sharply at Fifteenth Avenue
South and Fourth Street, overturned it and received a broken leg and
internal injuries when he fell under the machine.

was the second time the machine had turned over in four hours. The
machine was initially wrecked at Thirteenth Avenue South and Fourth
Street when it skidded with a party of men.

Anderson was taken to the city hospital where he died of his injuries
on November 28, 1913. He was 40 years old, married and lived at 2117
18th Avenue South.

Patrolman Anderson was interred at Lakewood Cemetery on December 1, 1913.

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Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis
P.O. Box 18187
Minneapolis, MN