11th Annual Minneapolis Police Federation Charities, Inc. Golf Tournament

Please join us for the Annual Charities Golf Tournament on Monday, June 24th 2019 at Majestic Oaks Golf Club in Ham Lake, MN. COST: $125.00* per person ($500.00/Foursome) includes lunch, range balls, golfing, cart, beverages on the course, and dinner after golf. There will be excellent door prizes and a gift to each golfer. Registration […]… Read more »

Our 9th Annual Minneapolis Police Federation Charities, Inc. Golf Tournament was a great success! Thanks to all who participated!

Our 9th Annual Minneapolis Police Federation Charities, Inc. Golf Tournament was a huge success! Thanks to the generous sponsors and the golfers who played this year, we were able to reach a record in raising over $10,000 for our charity. We would like to thank all of the organizations who either donated prizes or sponsored […]… Read more »

Children’s Hospital Event

After a successful luncheon October 10th at the Children’s Hospital, the Minneapolis Police Federation Charities, Inc. held another event. This time, they brought some holiday cheer to the patients, their families, and the staff at the hospital.   On December 18th, from 11:30 in the morning until 1:30 in the afternoon, 10 police officers and […]… Read more »

October Children’s Hospital Event

[slideshow_deploy id=’982′] The police officers of Minneapolis spend their days (or nights!) giving back by serving the city and keeping residents safe. But that isn’t enough. In 2003 the Minneapolis Police Officers Federation formed its own philanthropic organization, called Minneapolis Police Federation Charities, Inc., which works hard to support charitable organizations and causes in the […]… Read more »

Representing Mpls Police Officers
Always with the goal of working toward a safer, more livable city, our job is to improve working conditions for our members—police officers who work in Minneapolis—and to make certain their rights are protected.

Police News

Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis
P.O. Box 18187
Minneapolis, MN