April 27, 2017 Press Release – Who’s really in charge?

Statement from Lt. Bob Kroll, President of the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis

Carl Kuhl


April, 27 2017

“Mayor Hodges’ continual meddling in department affairs only undercuts Chief Harteau’s leadership at an important time for Minneapolis. Calling into question her Chief’s ability to manage the MPD shows us why she was recently named one of ‘The Three Worst Mayors in America.’

The decision yesterday to overrule Chief Harteau’s selection for inspector of the 4th precinct, also reaffirms the findings of the recent Department of Justice Report, requested by the Mayor and Chief, that stated:

“The mayor’s unfamiliarity with the implications of the terminology she used when in charge, likely contributed to the inconsistent direction given to MPD personnel and the resulting frustration among officers over poor communication and inconsistent, uncoordinated leadership.”

Apparently, the Mayor has either not read the report or is not interested as she continues to undercut the department’s leadership. At a time when we need to compete to attract and retain the best people to serve our community, her misguided decisions only further erode officer moral and community trust. Leaving us all to wonder, ‘Who’s really in charge?”

– Lt. Bob Kroll

Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis
P.O. Box 18187
Minneapolis, MN