Adolph G. Karpinski

Appointed December 1,1929
Died May 21, 1941
On April 5, 1941, Officer Adolf G. KARPINSKI, 46 years old, suffered a back injury when he was struck by an automobile at Fourth Avenue and Fifth Street Northeast.

He was taken to Fairview Hospital, but released several days later.

Officer KARPINSKI was readmitted to the hospital on May 19th, due to complications. He died two days later on May 21, 1941.

A microscopic examination of the spine of Patrolman KARPINSKI was conducted at the University of Minnesota on order of the Hennepin County Coroner.

The examination was to determine whether death was caused by his injured spine, which doctors said had mended.

Officer KARPINSKI had been a police officer for 11 years, and was a veteran of the World War.

He had lived at 1906 Quincy Street Northeast with his wife. KARPINSKI was buried at Hillside Cemetery on May 23, 1941.

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Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis
P.O. Box 18187
Minneapolis, MN